Thursday, September 25, 2008

'Are you sure you want to remove --- from your friends list?'

When the most you've heard from them in a year is very occasional 'status updates'...

When you know lots about them, but are no longer sure who they are...

When they live a few suburbs away, but might as well be in Australia for all you see them...

When their busy, active social lives clearly continue, but no longer feature you...

When you're spending far too much time trying to figure out how much of this is in response to your still-quite-recently-acquired disability... it time to reconsider our post-modern, post-reality, post-everything concept of 'friendship'?

And how would a better, more real, more meaningful version of that concept look?


...because this is the bit that makes me stop wondering and try to forget the whole thing...

...would there be anyone left?



ReineDeLaSeine14 said...

Good Question.

Never That Easy said...

That scares me too.