Sunday, May 03, 2009

My Little BADD Round-Up

May 1st was Blogging Against Disablism day. Dozens of entries get written for this every year. I usually participate, but this year it was just too much to think about. Instead, here are my four favourites so far. I still have more to read, but these struck me as very powerful. Oppression is everywhere - it's there when we protest for our rights, when we go shopping, when we turn on the TV, and in every aspect of our lives, from the inconsequential to the life-altering. These posts explore those dimensions of disablist oppression. Read; think; remember.

More people need to know what happened to ADAPT at the White House last week, and about the parallel events involving the Autistic Self Advocacy Network's recent protest. If we shut our eyes to oppression, it continues. Autism - discusses the details.

On dreamwidth, Trouble Is Everywhere writes about a Torchwood episode that I don't remember recognising as disability-themed, at least not to the extent that Trouble noticed. I need to watch it again and take note, because, as I said in a comment, if we don't stop and acknowledge this kind of mainstream media disablism, it will only carry on.

I adore Hoyden About Town's post on needing a seat. Access issues that don't involve ramps are so often overlooked. (And wheelchair users face these kinds of overlooked access issues too.)

Disablism is a daily part of many people's lives. Acknowledge it, challenge it, don't perpetutate it. Wheelie Catholic's post struck a very loud chord with me.

Friday, May 01, 2009

Blogging Against Disablism Day, 2009

Alas, this year I will not be Blogging Against Disablism. This is because I am in the middle of two 6000-word essays that have the potential to make or break my future (mainly because it's a disablist world out there and I need to go above and beyond to have any chance of overcoming that), while fighting some VERY frustrating impairment-related crap that wants to stop me working on said 6000-word essays, as well as moving house and some other fun.

And so, in lieu of a post, I would like to draw your attention to The Goldfish's Blogging Against Disablism 2009 archive. It will grow throughout the week as people add their posts to it. It is a truly awesome annual online activism-fest, and everyone should read as much of it as possible.

This year, I particularly recommend Batsgirl's post on issues and expectations around disabled parenting. It will make you think.

Happy Blogging Against Disablism Day.